What we can help with

Supply Chains & Procurement ISO 20400

We are globally recognised leaders in sustainable procurement and supply chain management. Action Sustainability led the UK and Australian delegations in developing the ISO 20400 Standard.

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Modern Slavery & Human Rights

Businesses have an obligation to respect human rights in their own operations, associated products, and services and through their business relationships.

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Social Value

Social value is an opportunity to make an impact on people's lives by initiating positive change. We support organisations and teams by providing strategic advice and tactical support.

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Sustainability Measurement & Reporting

Measuring sustainability performance is fundamental to achieving real change. We help organisations understand and prioritise what to measure, how to measure it and how to engage their supply chain to support the process.

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Energy and Carbon

The climate crisis requires urgent action from everyone. We provide strategic advice and tactical support on your carbon and energy needs.

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Effectively communicating sustainability requirements is an essential component of any sustainability strategy, to train and build competence within your team and supply chain.

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We are recognised leaders in sustainability and sustainable procurement and provide advisory services and tools for all aspects of social, environmental and economic sustainability. Our team has delivered positive sustainability outcomes for more than 25 years with a wealth of experience that adds value to our clients' businesses.

Who We've Helped
School logo

Supplier development

The School is a multi-award winning collaboration between clients, contractors and suppliers from the built environment industry in both the UK and Australia. Action Sustainability developed the concept of the School and now delivers this supply chain development programme to over 27,000 registered businesses.

Explore the School

Sustainability measurement

We have developed a Sustainability Tool to help measure and drive sustainability practice. The tool is a cloud-based performance management system that simplifies the collection of sustainability data from your supply chain and presents measurement information via a series of sustainability dashboards.

Explore the Tool

Why work with Action Sustainability

Thought leaders at the forefront of standards creation

We inspire and push the boundaries of best practice by setting new standards, researching and disseminating new knowledge.

People chatting outside office

Positive impact, happy team, successful clients

We are global thought leaders, consultants, software developers and service providers who inspire sustainable business and work with supply chains to contribute to organisational sustainability objectives.

Green roof with windows

Free sustainability training through The School

We lead and facilitate collaborative groups of businesses to develop the capacity of their supply chains, like our multi-award winning Supply Chain Sustainability School.

British Land logo
CECA logo

The current sustainability issues you should be considering

88 %

of studies show that sustainability leads to better operational efficiency

In a peer reviewed academic study by Oxford University of 200 studies into the business case for sustainability, 80% of the studies showed that good ESG practice results in better operational performance for businesses.

34 %

of companies are using online measurement tools

With high profile cases of misleading reporting of sustainability performance leading to huge losses in shareholder value, there has been a significant increase in companies using online measurement tools.

46 %

of respondents in a recent McKinsey survey say

The top reason for implementing a sustainability agenda is to achieve better alignment between organisational practices and company goals, missions, or values.

The sectors we work in













Map and compass


Milk carton






This was posted in All Topics > Energy & Carbon > ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement

Our Head of Climate, Dr James Cadman, shares his insights on how organisations can effectively embed carbon reduction into their sustainable procurement practices using the ISO 20400 framework.

Interested in how we could help you? Contact our team today