The Task

Keepmoat Homes is a leading UK home builder operating across Britain and committed to creating sustainable value through the development process.

As part of their carbon reduction strategy, they requested an independent verification of their GHG emissions reporting across two financial years to assess their quality for external reporting and to improve quality control.

The Action

Using a proven sampling methodology, we carried out a desk-based review of carbon reporting data and supporting evidence. This was supplemented by conversations with Keepmoat’s staff regarding datasets and calculation methods. Calculations for all emissions source types were checked, with a specific emphasis on Scope 3 Purchased Goods and Services as this accounted for more than half of the overall emissions.

Subsequently, we issued a verification report and statement based on the documentation reviewed during the verification process, and provided recommendations on how to improve the accuracy of the GHG inventory result.

The Outcome, Benefits, and Lessons Learnt

Through this project, we identified the sources that contributed substantially to Keepmoat Homes’ overall carbon footprint and made various recommendations on how to improve data accuracy, as well as on the processes and governance for the data management and reporting process.

This has helped the organisation identify risks and make improvements to their internal processes to ensure transparency and reliability of their GHG Assertion.