The Task

Fairness, Inclusion and Respect Toolkit for the Construction Industry

Our Fairness, Inclusion & Respect (FIR) behavioural change programme is starting to make a real difference to our industry, making it a better place to work by encouraging fairer, more inclusive and more respectful attitudes and behaviours.

The industry needs more people to build the homes, buildings and infrastructure that are required by the UK’s growing population.  The demands are clearly laid out in the National Infrastructure Pipeline and “Fixing our broken housing market”.

Our workforce is ageing and lacks diversity (Glenigan2016). The majority are over 45, only 13% women and 4% ethnic minorities. We are unattractive to young people with only 8% of our workforce under-25.

Working with CECA and with funding from CITB we have prepared and shared a range of materials on fairness, inclusion and respect, to boost industry capacity to address the issue, at all tiers of the supply chains.

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    The Action

    The activities we undertook:

    • Initiated and co-ordinated a Steering Group, comprising supply chain leaders and HR / diversity leaders from client organisations and contractors, to oversee development of materials
    • Initiated and co-ordinated a virtual review group of other specialists to provide additional feed-in to material development
    • Established a web site to host materials
    • Collected material from the Steering and Review Groups to put into the on-line resource library
    • Developed and published 2 e-learning modules
    • Commissioned 4 short films for Toolbox Talks and wrote the trainer scripts for each
    • Organised launch events, to explain the principles of FIR and the materials, to companies around England.

    Some of the results:

    • The FIR programme has trained 1,399 people from 699 companies, the majority of which were SMEs, through 38 seminars and workshops
    • Over 95% of companies supported, rate the quality of training as excellent or good
    • The FIR programme recruited and supported a network of 108 FIR Ambassadors

    The Outcomes

    As a result of this work the industry now has a set of free, on-line resources to enable all leaders, employees and supply chain partners to begin to address FIR. By addressing FIR companies will help address the skills and talent gap facing the industry, improve safety, collaboration, productivity and innovation

    The key impacts that respondents reported as a result of training were;

    • A better understanding of FIR issues by senior leadership teams
    • Leadership teams were better able to articulate the case for FIR
    • Managers have a better understanding of FIR issues
    • Improvements in behaviours.