The Task

Keepmoat Homes (Keepmoat) were seeking support in understanding the areas of existing good practice and gaps in sustainable procurement performance across its business, and within the regions in which it operates.

There was a need for an In-depth and objective review of their performance in sustainable procurement with wide internal stakeholder involvement and realistic actions necessary to drive change forward.

Action Sustainability’s assessment and subsequent report’s findings and recommendations will help Keepmoat to embed the commitments from within their Sustainability and Sustainable Procurement Policies into its process and strengthen the areas where the gaps lie.

The Action

Action Sustainability undertook a desktop review of documents and conducted interviews with relevant staff across various functions and departments from Keepmoat, and produced a report based on the findings, putting forth recommendations for areas of improvement.

The first phase of the evaluation involved reviewing Keepmoat’s documentation such as policies, strategies, tender procedures (PQQ & ITT documents) and example tender exercises recently undertaken.

The second part of our process involved a series of 1:1 interviews around sustainability, sustainable procurement, contract management with key people from Keepmoat’s business, at different levels and in different roles, all with an influence on spend. The interviews were based on the key elements of the ISO 20400 standard – Fundamentals, Policy & Strategy, Enablers and Process. Through our discussions, we were able to explore how effectively sustainability objectives are deployed through procurement.

The Outcome, Benefits and Lessons Learnt

The analysis provided a confidence in Keepmoat to align its processes and approach to ISO 20400 as there are plenty examples of good practice with the key elements of Fundamentals, Policy and Strategy being strong. Keepmoat’s approach to sustainable procurement was assessed as being ‘established ‘.

The evaluation results gave Keepmoat an action plan of activities to do, the timescales and complexity in carrying them out to reach their sustainability goals. The recommendations will bring about alignment of the procurement process, especially within the regions with organisational goals, prioritisation of opportunities as well as risks to inform the procurement strategies, better supply chain relationships through supplier performance and contract management.

The ISO 20400 Standard is an ideal platform to use to assess and then improve your procurement, supply chain management and sustainability outcomes.