Company EDI Benchmark

Analyse and compare EDI data to drive workplace improvements and enhance organizational performance.


Leverage data to advance diversity and inclusion initiatives with our Company Diversity Benchmarking solution. Collect, analyse, and benchmark EDI data against industry standards to enhance workplace culture and organisational performance.




Our tool automates the process of collecting EDI data, reducing manual input and errors. By integrating seamlessly with your existing systems, it simplifies data gathering and minimises administrative overhead. The automation not only speeds up data collection but also ensures a higher level of accuracy and consistency across all data points.

Book a FREE Demo
  • Automated Data Collection
  • Streamlined Integration
  • Minimised Administrative Overhead
  • Enhanced Accuracy and Consistency

We prioritise the privacy and security of your data with advanced anonymisation and aggregation techniques. This approach protects individual identities while providing you with accurate, actionable insights. Robust encryption and security protocols ensure that sensitive information remains confidential and secure throughout the data processing cycle.

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  • Advanced Anonymisation
  • Secure Data Handling
  • Confidential Processing
  • Actionable Insights
computer settings

Our interactive dashboards present data in an easily digestible format, allowing you to visualise trends, track progress, and identify key areas for improvement. You can drill down into specific metrics to understand the underlying factors affecting your EDI performance. The actionable insights help you make informed decisions and prioritise ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives effectively.

Book a FREE Demo
  • Interactive Dashboards
  • Detailed Metrics Analysis
  • Identify Improvement Areas
  • Informed Decision-Making

Receive detailed, tailored benchmarking reports that compare your EDI performance against industry standards. These reports are designed to provide a clear, comparative analysis of where your organisation stands relative to your peers. Customisable options allow you to focus on specific metrics or benchmarks relevant to your strategic goals, making it easier to identify strengths and areas needing improvement.

Book a FREE Demo
  • Tailored Benchmarking Reports
  • Clear Comparative Analysis
  • Customisable Metrics
  • Identify Strengths and Improvements
diverse team

Based on your benchmarking results, we provide actionable recommendations to help you enhance your diversity and inclusion strategies. These recommendations are designed to align with your organisation’s goals and address specific gaps identified through the benchmarking process. Our guidance helps you develop effective action plans and implement best practices to drive meaningful progress.

Book a FREE Demo
  • Actionable Recommendations
  • Goal Alignment
  • Address Identified Gaps
  • Effective Action Plans

How does it work?

Register/Create an Account

Create an account or join your existing company account

Complete & Submit Survey

Upload and submit your organisation’s diversity data through the annual survey.

Analyse & Benchmark Performance

The system aggregates your data into a powerful dashboard and our team benchmarks your performance, generating a custom report.

Set Targets & Action Plans

Establish targets and develop action plans to enhance diversity within your organisation.

Repeat Annually

Conduct the survey annually to monitor progress and improve diversity initiatives continuously.

Collaborate on targets
Collect data
Analyse & aggregate
Monitor and manage progress

Why work with us?

Comprehensive 3-in-1 Solutions

Benefit from our award-winning learning, technology, and advisory services, all designed to drive real, sustainable change across your organisation with streamlined and integrated solutions.

Data-Driven Insights

Our Sustainability Tool offers unparalleled, actionable data, empowering you to make informed decisions that drive substantial improvements in your sustainability performance.

Proven Expertise in Transparency

Leverage our tool to gain deep insights into supply chain sustainability, backed by our proven expertise, to identify and address risks and promote ethical practices throughout your network.


Who we’ve helped

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