What is the Sustainability Tool?

The Sustainability Tool is an award-winning software programme developed to support global corporates and SMEs in achieving their sustainability goals across their business and supply chain.

It enables you to collect, report & analyse social & environmental sustainability performance using smart dashboards at project, business unit and corporate level.

Its simple, robust, and flexible solution for collecting and reporting sustainability data is an essential resource for understanding the true impact of business operations.

Get in touch

    How our cloud-based reporting tool works

    • View and manage performance at corporate, business unit and project level through smart dashboards and infographics. The tool is designed to mimic your supply chain and project management.
    • At project level, the tool is designed to be used post-award of a contract. You choose what to measure, and delegate to your supply chain to report. You then view their performance in real time, allowing you to act quickly on  any issues that arise.
    • At business unit and corporate level, you can see the issues that your business are not performing well on, but also see the areas you are excelling on.

    Why use the tool?

    You need to understand how your supply chain is working towards key sustainability targets.  The Sustainability Tool is a one stop platform that allows you to monitor and manage the impact of your projects, without getting bogged down in spreadsheets and time consuming data collection.

    • Saving time and costs
    • Instant analysis and performance overview
    • Reducing risk
    • Business transparency leads to success
    • Identify best practice and target improvements

    Data at the heart of a strategic approach.

    For more information

    Contact: Charles Naud
    Email: charles.naud@actionsustainability.com
    Phone: +44 (0) 207 697 1977